ArtStreet Preview….

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Agate and Pearl Sterling Silver Necklace


Ocean Jasper Handmade Teardrop Chain. I can’t tell you how good this necklace feels on… it’s smooth and weighty and beautiful.






Crazy Lace Agate and Garnet Gemstones….


Been working hard at my bench for ArtStreet. I have more pieces that these but won’t get the pics up before the show. Please visit: to see individual listings.

I’ve also had some family things going on that have needed my attention in far away places so it’s been a whirl wind of a month. ArtStreet always marks the last week of summer and that is hard to believe. I don’t want to believe it. I guess if I lived in an ‘endless summer’ I would tire of it….

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  1. Reblogged this on Glass by Tammy Rae and commented:
    Art Street in Green Bay Wisconsin this weekend! I can’t make it but it is a great show – go visit Joy Kruse at Wild Prairie Silver….her stuff is amazing!


    I was not able to see nd you the entire video on the news, but part of it. See attachment. See you Sunday at the show. Diana

    Sent from my U.S. Cellular® Smartphone


    Hi. I was watching the news just now and they are going to talk about Art street. Guess who’s they showed? Yes, you. I cannot wait for Art street. See you then. PS. Can I order some sterling beads?

    Sent from my U.S. Cellular® Smartphone

  4. Joan Heng

    How was your trip to the cabin.  Our girl trip was good.  Never long enough.   Your grandma looks good.  How old is she now? 

    I have 2 pc of PMC that need to be mended.  Are you still doing some of that?   I know i don’t have any materials left and they both have stones in them so i don’t think i can use my torch on them anyway.   Would this be something you would be interested in fixing for me?  Let me know.  If you don’t i will try to get ahold of the lady i had taken classes from and see if she can do something with them. 

    I don’t know if you heard the family news or not?  

    Donna and Jay just adopted a baby boy.  He is a new born.  They named him Cassel.

    Also do you remember Aunt Pat, that is Uncle Dan’s Exwife.  She passed away last weekend.  Her funeral was wed. Hope everthing is good with your family.

      Thanks  Joan

  5. nanettemic

    Wow! I especially love the ocean jasper. You are so creative, inspirational, and talented. You are my absolute favorite jewelry artist!!!

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