New Piece

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Again here I am with a just awesome necklace and can’t get a decent picture of it. Some natural sunlight would really help. I have photography lights but sometimes they just don’t do the trick. I will keep trying.

I signed up for a Webinar on Thursay 2-3pm central time – for photography. It’s being held live and it will be recorded and sent to you if you can’t watch it in person. The photographer is the guy who takes all the pictures for Lapidary Journal Jewelry Artist: Jim Lawson. Here is the link:   The cost is $20. I have never done this before and it sounds like it’s live interaction, cool. I will let everyone know how it goes.

Now for more absolutely horrible pictures of an awesome necklace that I just cannot seem to capture in an image.

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The purple patina and yellow of the stone are just amazing in person. The size is amazing too, heavy chevy. Handmade chain.

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