Strawberry Fest Great!

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Cedarburg is really a cute town. I had never been there. Just did their Strawberry Fest over the past weekend and it was just awesome. I ran outta bags….great problem to have. I could not have done it without my assistant KT. So, thanks Kt. I will have some pics of Cedarburg but my sidekick has them so I will put them up on another day. The wooden sign I made was a hit and worked well….looked amazingly great with the whole setup which I was not too sure about while making the sign. Anyway Thanks Cedarburg for a friendly good time and looking forward to it next year.

Here is pics of the table: setting up the legs and then primed on the bottom. It will be done today sometime and I will get a pic of it finished. It weighs somewhere between 200-300 lbs. Other pics are of items now long gone sold in Cedarburg. 

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