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Well, Summer sure is busy and it’s wearing me out! Whew! Kids, Family, Soccer, Shows, Business, Yard, Garden, Sleep.

Last weekend had a torch demo at The Flying Pig Gallery and an Art Show in Appleton.

At the gallery: It was a great beautiful day full of artists working in the gardens. A group of people came by and bought a whole bunch of art from inside and the huge 2 story stainless steel vase of flowers sculpture that was outside. I have this sculpture posted on my blog a few months back in the beginning of summer. Can you say WOW! It was a group of people from a company looking to decorate their campus and support Art. Well, thanks and too cool! You made a lot of people’s day and maybe year!

Sunday Art In The Park was a great show. I have never done it before and it was very busy from the time I drove up. My family helped me tear down and I was home in time for soccer…. all was well. Thanks again Appleton for  the great crowd and happy people. Met new customers and got to see my favorite customers that are gracious enough to stop and say hi. My inventory is really low. Yiiiiipes …. got a month before ArtStreet in Green Bay which usually cleans me out completely. How am I going to make enough? This happens every summer. You would think I would stock up in the winter but I never seem to have enough.

New Goal: Have an abundance of jewelry in March. So much jewelry I am afraid of having it all. Whenever my jewelry cases start to over flow I get scared of having too much and now here I am in busy summer with not enough. Same old story for years now. I have got to plan ahead.

Next pics are of some Sea Urchin Spines… Well, I just love them. I will have many things to make from these colorful interesting little stone pencil shapes.

Here is a linked chain I made while demoing in the gardens at The Flying Pig Gallery. It’s not finished yet…. rough stage. I have made this chain before with 18K Gold pins going through it and it’s stunning. Just did not have any 18K Gold for the demo.

Last but not least a Kyanite Necklace that is a series of these Necklaces made with these Kyanite shards. They are almost tribal/modern looking. Love the blue.

I have five of these necklaces are similar but different. Here is the link to this necklace:

Going to go make something out of those cool urchin spins now 🙂

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