Table Done and The Lucky Troll

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The Table is done and it looks amazing. It will be a serviceable table for more than one lifetime. The top looks great even though I just free-handed the design. I did learn that while building something that needs to be level the surface it is built on needs to be level first or build it on the surface where it is going to remain. My husband does this for a living because he builds commercial steel structures for a living so he knows all about grades and levels. I build pretty things…..I don’t worry about them being level. So, again a whole new learning curve for me. He does it in his sleep ~ makes things level……I make things crazy….not level….no sense….no reason….just cuz…..  The difference in people, funny.

Anyway the addition to my garden is great. That is the Lucky Troll. He is happy there. Those yellow flowers just bloomed for him. What should I name him??? ‘Sam I Am?’ Any suggestions?

The other pic is of my PMC work station. I have a custom order to do from the Cedarburg show and I am going to start on it today. It involves some PMC pieces. I have an instructors certificate in PMC but I don’t use the product a lot. I love the product. I think the way it is manufactured is incredible genius but it is very expensive in comparison to traditional sheet metal. So, I use PMC sparingly. The bronze and copper clays are fun too and less expensive but take a lot more time to fire. They are all good tools and all good to learn for their own special applications.

Have a Great 4th of July!

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