How often do you get to see one of these? He hitched a ride on my daughter’s leg while bike riding. A Praying Mantis…cool eyes, weird.
This is a commissioned piece for Trout Unlimited. Every year I make a piece of jewelry for their fundraiser. This year is a special year for them. The National Convention and Fundraiser is being held here (Green Bay) and it never has been here before. The local chapter is very excited to host the National Meeting and that is how this dog tag has come to be made.
It’s a very heavy, manly piece of jewelry. I hope it is well received at the Convention.
On a side note: Thank you Aaron Rodgers and Mason Crosby. I will never really get to thank you in a way you actually know about it but thank you. My son’s 7th grade football team had a game in Green Bay this week. These are 12 year old kids, not high school kids and Aaron Rogers as well as Mason Crosby were in the stands watching their game. That really got the kids fired up. They probably will be talking about that until they are 80 years old, whittling in rocking chairs on their front porches. No one approached them which was nice but it sure did not go unnoticed and those kids will never forget it.
Nice piece!
In NJ it’s illegal to kill those bugs. How they would know I have no idea but it is illegal.