Here is one Crazy Lace Agate Necklace which is finished. Love it even though it’s a little on the petite size for my pendants. The stones dangling on the bottom are rough diamonds. The next picture is the detailed pendant I showed a few days ago setting up with solder chips. I did not end up liking the perfectly round stone so I removed that bezel and used this Labradorite stone. Sometimes work changes while it’s in progress. The handmade chain is almost finished. I will finish the entire chain, polish and tumble it and then attach the pendant last, with the last two links. I will not attach the chain until it’s just about done or the pendant just gets in the way and you risk dropping or harming the stone. Great Labradorite cab! I will post pics when it’s done.
Next on the learning list is pouring your own ingot and rolling it out into your own stock. Next week…. Take Care all!