Had a great show in Neenah WI at the Berstrom Mahler Museum and by great I mean HOT……Wow. Lots of humidity and almost 100 degree temps. I poured a bottle of water on the top of my head – a great look while wearing a dress 😉
I was tickled pink cuz I won first place for 3-Demensional work! I have never won anything! Bonus the prize came with money too. Thanks Bergstrom Mahler folks! My friend and fellow jeweler won Best in Show: kudos to him also.
The bracelet shown is new off the bench. It is not my usual. I like it and don’t like all at the same time. It is a little ‘dark’ for me. I usually make light-hearted things. It is interesting to wear because of all the movement in it. Every jump ring has a miniature little washer or nut or arrow hanging from it. The gears and parts have little bronze or stainless steel bolts through them which I ground down on the back and soldered the nut on so they cannot spin off while wearing the bracelet. It is fun and interesting to look at. Wondering what kind of person will buy it? We will see and I will let you know.
The dangling dragonflies are me. Love ’em. They are already sold. They sold to the first person that saw them. I will make some more just for summer and myself to wear. Next show is big: Aug 28th, 29th in Green Bay: Artstreet ~ see ya there.