Smithsonite Specimen Stone…pink, weird, cool.
This is the cast iron ingot mold and melting cruciable. I pour it in a steel pan just for safety. The rug below is wool. Fireplace rugs are wool. Why? They do not harvest a flame or ember. They would burn up in an inferno but will not start a fire themselves with a hot coal lying on them. Great for your studio space.
This is gold from a ladies ring that I have poured into this ingot mold. I will clean it in some pickle and roll it in my rolling mill to make some half round rings for her custom order spinner ring. I will show you all of that later as it progresses. This is the first step. You can see that one tube did not complete (because it cooled too quickly) which is fine. I have enough to do the job.
Simple Labradorite Bead from Bead and Button show. Can’t resist labradorite.
This is a beautiful Labradorite and Topaz….Pendant is hinged which is very fun! Link:

You can turn anything into something of beauty!!!