Class Saturday! and Taxes, Yuck

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Teaching this class on Saturday in Fish Creek Door Co. at Peninsula School of Art. The class is from 9-1 and you will learn to make a rivet and then rivet something together. You can bring your own findings and we will drill them…. like beach stones or glass. I love this class at this time of year because it’s usually local people I know and have taught before – a winter reunion. Can’t wait! If you want to come there is a link to the school on the side of my blog. I am sure there is space.




Taxes…. Yuck. I did my taxes the first week of the new year. I usually do that because I have to pay sales tax anyway and I want to get it out-of-the-way. Besides, I have new sales coming in daily and new bills coming in daily and I don’t need it to all overlap. If you sell online and use Etsy or Paypal please look into OUTRIGHT.COM. I did my year-end in less than 40 minutes because of this program. Go to It is 9$ a month. It automatically puts in your paypal transactions and etsy transactions taking in account for shipping, fees, percentages, etc…. It does it daily. I just enter in manually an art show and my receipts from vendors that are not paid by paypal.

EXAMPLE: Etsy changed the way you can ship. You can purchase the label right with the sale and it’s less than at the post office. In my supply shop shipping is $2.50. Well, many items the shipping was actually $1.68. So….. I have a shipping profit. Can you imagine keeping track of that for your taxes on every single order?(plus listing fees, percent commission when sold fees, credit card fee, etc..) It would take forever. OUTRIGHT.COM takes care of all of it ~ categorizes it instantly. You can edit the categories anyway you want. Absolutely love it. Charts, graphs, daily profit report, tax sheets, quarterly estimates all comes with it.



This is a great book on making a living as a jewelry artist. It covers everything. I kinda know all of this all ready but it’s a good reality check. I wish I would have read it when I first started but I really did not know what my business would become at that time. I purchased it on Amazon. It’s around $35. It is a book you will want to keep and refer back to occasionally.

Well, I have more great news but I will wait for another post! (Going to get published – can’t believe it. Tell ya more later.) Winter is getting long here and I have a ton of work to do so I better get off this screen and get to it. First show is March 9th and have a zillion stones half in the process of being something. See ya in class! and stay warm.

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  1. Geri Restivo

    Your work is pure…I was curious what tool you referred to in the June 2012 blog, that you used in shaping the spoon ring…Thank you!

    1. Geri ~ Just seeing this message… sorry I did not get back to you sooner? If I did get back to you then I forgot??? I used Pepe Tools Super Ring Bender. The tool is simply amazing. If you need more info on it just let me know. You should be able to purchase it a (spelling?) Hope this helps and don’t be afraid to email me at [email protected] 🙂 joy

    2. Geri ~ Pepe Tools Super Ring Bender… Google that tool… Lots of suppliers carry it. It makes fast work of rings in all thicknesses. 🙂 🙂 🙂 joy

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