Great day enjoying Door County. Amazing art. Good food. Good company.
Kids and Self… Thanks nice stranger for taking our picture..
Last pictures master gardeners garden… Awesome!
I did not have time to take this side trip today but glad I did. When do we ever have time? My children get to see amazing things they don’t yet appreciate but will someday. I see things I love, don’t love, aspire to do, wonder why? How? Incredible human spirit full of hope for tomorrow even if today is painful…. Making things with no tangible purpose just beautiful or ugly depending….and some indifferent…no feeling at all.
Oh, The Gardens are before Egg Harbor… two different places. The Gardens are easy to miss…. They are on the right and I think it says ‘Door County Master Gardeners’ or something on the sign. It is also the center in the United States for Potato Gene-ology???? seriously weird stuff so we can have all different kinds of potatoes!
Hi Joy, where was this? Beautiful and strange…gotta see it!
Rox— it is at The Edgewood Orchard Gallery. There is a sign and you turn right before Fish Creek. Very amazing.