Bead and Button Show Ad

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Hey everyone have not been blogging in awhile…. sorry about that. Kids had some spring break time off and it’s hard to keep a lid on things around here let alone stare at the computer or work or edit images or work…did I mention work! I have so much work to do and that is a great thing. I love it. Awesome news and not awesome news~is I did not get into ‘Art On The Square’ in Madison WI. It is one of the largest shows in the nation drawing 150,000 people. I was sent my ‘Thanks but No Thanks’ letter…. I friend of mine told me it took him a few years to get in and I am sure there is a ton of jewelry exhibiting. I guess 2,000 people apply and 200 get in- I was not one of them. So I will apply next year. Awesome news is that I will be a vendor at the Bead and Button Show in Milwaukee WI. It’s a huge arena style exhibit and I am terrified as well as excited to be apart of the actual show. I will be teaching there as well. At the show I am sharing a large corner end spot with Tammy Rae who makes a lot of my lamp work boro glass for my own designs. We are happy to team up together for this big event… both of us never having done it before and we compliment each others work. I will include a pic of the ad we took out in the Bead and Button Program. Making that ad was like poking my own eyes out but what’s a girl to do? Will get back on the work wagon and get to making and repairing stuff. Have a great restyle piece to post as well!

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  1. Yep, sorry about that Rox… had the wrong heading on this post. Got your pendant up on the next post though! And the Bead and Button Show is open to the public. Classes begin June 3rd and go to June 10th. The show runs Thurs, Fri, Sat, Sun June 7, 8, 9 and 10th. It is in downtown Milwaukee at the Airport Convention Center—- there is a link on my blog to the right!

  2. roxannnys

    Ok…you’re quick! Changed the post title while I was posting my comment! I’ll be patient! 🙂

  3. roxannnys

    Clearly the folks in Madison doing the selcetion don’t have an eye for good art! Next year… The ad you created is really very pleasing, I think. It clearly shows how well the two of you work together. When/where is the Milwaukee show? I’m assuming it’s open to the public–is that correct? And, the blog post is labeled “Roxann’s Pendant” but no pic? Not quite done yet? I’m so excited to see it!!

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