Saturday Event of Jewelers Holiday Open House

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Holiday Open House at The Flying Pig Gallery on Saturday Dec 7th from 10-4

Gemmy Little Briolette Earrings in every color of the rainbow…. The gems are gorgeous and the antique finish on them is perfect. Pick a color…any color.Link:







Rings Link:

Stop in for a visit and have some hot chocolate! A few jewelers will be in attendance: myself, Tammy Rae, and Deb Meyer. Possibly some other artists that I am not aware of. We will have things on display and also be working on new things as well. Would be nice to share some Holiday Cheer!

I made Tammy Rae something she is going to flip over…. Can’t wait to show her but it’s a secret for now…. It is an interchangeable, unscrewable part that is one of a kind sterling, hmm…… She is going to love it for her glass. Screw it together and screw it apart ~~~~ embedded in sterling silver~~~ change out her colorful bead~~~completely original and one of a kind. Not your typical store bought finding. I will show you next week after she sees it.


Heavy mens rings… just finished yesterday. Link:

Dragonfly revisited… This is a piece I have been making from the start of making… I changed it slightly. It’s refreshed. Link:


Stay warm. Hope to see you Saturday! Should be fun!

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  1. glassbytammyrae

    Ok….just read your blog and am SO excited to see what you came up with for the interchangeable line!!!!! THANK YOU!!!!!! I am sure it’s amazing!!!

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