Summer is going by way too fast! Making me want to scream, STOP!!!!!! In two weeks is ArtStreet in Downtown Green Bay Wisconsin. This is a very fun art show/ festival. It is August 26, 27, 28th. I am booth number 177 I believe. I do not have a map of the grounds yet, but they should post that soon. Go to
To follow are some things I have made this summer. Some are for sale and some are sold or custom orders. It’s been an exciting summer for custom orders. There are few pieces I have made that just amazing me. They had so much meaning to them. It is a wonderful thing to bring that persons memory to life in a piece they can wear every day.
This gorgeous stone above is a Chrysocolla in pretty much it’s natural state. I could not pass up the color ~ WOW! Link:
Necklace and rings that are at J Jeffery Taylor in Fish Creek Wisconsin. If you would like one made for you I can have you pick out your own stone. Price estimate $200-$250
Custom Order Twig Vine Aquamarine and Diamond Ring ~ Reverse side of this ring has 4 diamonds wrapping around the stone. This lady was floored. I thanked her up and down for the opportunity to make such a special piece for her. It was such a pleasure and meant to be. In memory of her mother and all of her mother’s favorite things incorporated into the design.
This has never happened? How does the above happen? I don’t have any idea: 25,000 + views on one of my videos? I’m dumbfounded. The company was as well. They said thanks and I said you’re welcome. Love your tools: Pepe Tools….. especially your jump ringer.
Massive Labradorite Necklace at J Jefferey Taylor in Fish Creek Wisconsin
Again if you would like one of these necklace just contact me. You can pick out your own stone. Cost estimate is $400-$900…just depends on the stone. Just this one stone was $175 but I have stones that are $50 as well.
One of my favorite customers had this ring made from a pile of jewelry she was not wearing. How fun!!!!!! This is the ultimate in recycling. Thanks R and TGIF!
I love this piece. Variscite and Tourmaline… This stone material is the 1940’s. I have never seen it look like this. Too good to be true! For Sale: Link:
This pendant is about 5 inches long… a stunner and not for the shy. Would look great on a guy if you have the guts to pull it off. Prudent Man Plume Agate and Labradorite Link:
I have sold all of these bracelets and I am making more today. They all sold in Madison on Saturday. When people see them they fall in love with them ~ Sturdy and rugged and great movement. Custom made in your size. Link:
This is myself, Katie and Savannah in Madison. I probably will not continue to do Madison. It’s a big show, expensive & a ton of extra work. I do several shows that cost me less than $100 total and I have them available to me right by my home. This show I am out $500-$800 before I ever arrive and it’s 50% more work than usual. I am so swamped with work that I just don’t need the extra work load. I will pick up a show that is in a rural tourist area that I enjoy instead of cooking on the pavement in a big urban environment. I so love the shows I do in parks, in pretty little places that this big city show is not for me. I have done it two years in a row to give myself a chance at really getting a taste for it and it’s just not my style. So, love ya Madison maybe I will try your inside Holiday Christmas show instead of being among the buildings. Not in anyway is the show not a good show… so try it if you want to… the downtown thing is not for me.
‘Nail Through My Heart’ Sold ~ Rusty Nails, Jasper, Diamond, 18K Gold and Sterling
Ocean Wave Jasper, Pink Sapphire, Diamonds, 22K Gold, 18K Gold, Sterling For Sale Listing:
Have Fun ~ Make Lots Of Jewelry
See you soon at ArtStreet or in class at Peninsula School Of Art. (I will no longer be teaching until I retire so come if you can.) My Grandmother is doing horribly so please pray for her. ~ joy
(ps: I typed this so fast I am sure there are a ton of typos so sorry about that…)
I just drool over your work every time I see it. You are truly an inspiration Joy.
Funny about the huge views that video got. I notice that on Instagram some posts seem to go viral even if you don’t have that many followers. It was an awesome video though.
Thanks so much for sharing!
xx Brittany
Thank you for displaying such fantastic creativity…I have always loved rocks (gems) and just arranging them brought me joy as a child. You are gifted and it is a pleasure just took look at what you create and your appreciation of the raw material itself. Praying for your Grandmother.
Thank you so much!!!! Yes, please keep praying for my Grandmother. She needs it. 🙂 joy
I love looking at your work, the deign, the stones the craftwomanship… Amazing Joy. Thanks for keeping my love of creativity alive by sharing your beautiful work. I look forward to my own growth, however it appears, whenever .. when I witness yours. Blessings on the continued awesomeness of your creative expression. Your heart is felt deeply when I see your beautiful creations. 💗
Susan hope you’re well 🙂 and the summer has been amazing for you as I know you did some traveling and have a lot on your plate. Remember when you look at these pics I have been doing this for 16 years now. You already know it’s a labor of love but it’s just time and practice that make it evolve and you will do the same as I have… and I will keep renewing my own work and so will you. 🙂 xo 🙂 joy