It’s Been Too Long…

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It’s been too long! 🙂 I have not been writing in my blog much and got an email from a reader asking me if I am still around and still working? They inspired me to give everyone a lengthy update. I am still around and I am working more than I have ever worked. I no longer work one day a week as nurse and it’s paying off. I was very nervous about that umbilical cord being cut but it was for the best. I have not worked as a nurse since July and it’s a relief. I miss the OR but too bad for me, because I’m swamped in the studio. I needed the extra day I was missing just so I could lead a normal life at home and not work all weekend in my studio. I still work Saturday mornings so it’s a 6 day a week gig. If I have a show then it’s 7 days a week. Speaking of shows… Yes, next week I have a show 🙂 It is the Red Bird Holly Craft Faire at East Depere High School. It’s a beautiful Christmas show that benefits the school. Hours 9-3 Sat Nov 28th 500 Swan Rd Depere WI. It is $3 to get in and yes, there is a long line outside at 9am. It is every year, the Saturday after Black Friday. I do not normally fit in at a craft show but this one is a little different… all holiday themed and super pretty. They do an amazing job.


This is my lunch break… Walking Dusty Dawg. He starts pulling at my pants leg if I am late for our lunch date. He is a good break to get outside and let my eyes see the sun. He’s been a wonderful addition to our family.


Over the next year I will start to work into more gold pieces. They will be 18K Gold or higher incorporated into my work. It’s a natural progression and as I become more and more skilled it’s necessary to add in more valuable natural resources. Gold is like a dream substance. I can see why ancient people used it and created amazing things with it. It’s properties are so wonderful and beautiful. These are 18K Gold and Sapphire Earrings. Each sapphire is one carat. They sparkle and glimmer like no other faceted bead would, except a diamond. Link:


Sierra Madre Agate, Crystal Quartz and Pearl… available on my Etsy site:


Faceted Labradorite Cuff: Link

Ok, so where have I been posting my new work? I have been using Instagram. For those of you that do not know what Instagram is, it is a mini blog of daily photos and some text. It’s fast and efficient, short and sweet, and you can add people to your favorites to see what they are up to. A mini, daily, report… Facebook owns Instagram. My teenagers tell me that Facebook is for old people. Instagram is the new, cool, Facebook. That is coming from a 14 and 13 year old, so take it for all you think it’s worth. I don’t care what is cool. I only care that I can communicate with my customers, my peers/colleges, any audience that cares so I can keep making jewelry. If you want to try it out, down load the Instagram app on your device and type #WildPrairieSilver in the search box.


This is an awesome cuff. I have been making it for awhile. You would die laughing if you saw me making it. I make it with a big hammer on my concrete floor ~ Nothing but high tech equipment in my studio!!!! I do have some tools coming to make bracelets~ Durstons Bracelet Forming Kit, but I still don’t think it will help me form this 5mm thick sterling. It has to be man handled and trust me I do not have man hands. It also has to be annealed over and over again. Every time you bend it slightly it stiffens up to the point of not moving another millimeter. It’s worth the work. It is a lifetime piece of jewelry. Actually, it will last several lifetimes. It is nice to make something that will be here in 300 years. That makes me smile. 🙂 Link:


This was a great custom order. One I will not ever forget. Stoneless ring in the back ground was an anniversary band with 7, 3.25mm diamonds in it. It was valued at $4000 and looked every penny of that…. The customer was not a traditional diamond wearing person, which most of my customers are not traditional diamond wearing people…. So, she had a Twig Vine ring made from her diamonds…. It is huge… 14mm wide at the top. It had to be to put all the diamonds in it. I loved it! and so did she! If I had that many diamonds I would make one for myself.


This is a Vanadinite and Crazy Lace Agate.

Crazy Lace and Garnet Ring ~ Honestly I love this ring..It is both of the stones… purely wonderful stones.


Ocean Jasper and Pearl ~ This is sold. I have a lot of gorgeous Ocean Jasper and I do not hesitate to purchase it. It is no longer being mined so whatever rough is out there (which I am sure there is tons and tons) that is all there is. Pieces as special as this piece will be gone first and then just the scraps will be left.

Next week is Thanksgiving. We all have things to be thankful for. I hope you have a wonderful meal and are in good company. If you are going shopping on Black Friday please save some of your money for small business Saturday… because I can see you in Depere on that day! And it’s all hand crafted Christmas items. (9-3 East Depere High School… 500 Swan Rd. Depere WI)

I will keep making things here in the middle of no where and I will keep doing blog posts. I do enjoy it. If you want a daily dose of what is at my bench, visit Instagram and search #WildPrairieSilver. If you search #Instasmithy lots of beautiful jewelers images will pop up for you to view. It’s eye candy for the jewelry lover and the jewelry creator. I will check back in before Christmas is upon us.

Happy Thanksgiving To All!

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    1. Happy Thanksgiving Joan!!!! I do think you will love Instagram. In the search put in #instasmithy and you will get loads of awesome jewelry images. 🙂

  1. Susan Wachler

    Wonderful update Joy! Your work continues to inspire me and keep me in awe! Working hard here too creating and learning and adding touches of gold here and there. I so wish you lived nearer. Have a successful jewelry season and an awesome time with family for holidays!

  2. Chill so good to hear from you. Wish I could see you in Depere. It will be until summer when I see you again. Where does the time go? Keep in touch. You should go to Bead and Button and stay over with a bunch of ladies one night. It would be fun 😉 🙂 🙂

  3. Chelle' Rawlsky

    Well…I so enjoy the blog Joy…it was nice to see it.
    As you…I am back to 6 full days a week in the studio but if we didn’t love it we wouldn’t do it.
    Congrats on going solo….once you do it for a few years you will never want to go back to a regular job again.
    the custom vine ring is to die for..amazing.
    hugs for a joyful Thanksgiving.
    have a good show in DePere

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